Saturday, April 25, 2009

first time ada org bg award neh.. lyn jew r kn
nway tenkiu incik ijat yew

1. first insert this badge or the pic above to inform u have been awarded.

2. make sure you take the picture and said it is from.
incik ijat should tell 10 facts or hobbies bout yourself.

~tmp0h maksimum mata t'buka dlm sehari adlh 8jam
~giler kentang ke shupin c0mplex
~kli pertama nek bus scra sndrian berhad pd usia 20taun
~kasut saiz 4
~jeruk addict
~gemar melalak di kb0x biler stress (wlaupun sering d gelak krn suara persis sitinurhaliza nyew katak di hdpan rumah)
~ buta hti + buta penglihatan t'hdp game
~bengap add math + fizik + kimia
~jahil pendidikan islam ms sek rendah( fail sumer ujian agama)
~biler mrh org, tmpt memaki adlh kertas kotor.. then koyak2 buang dlm t0ng smpah
(maki org secara writen n0t speaking hokeh, kurg ckit d0sa.. hahaha) should choose 5 other bloggers and tell their name.

xtau nk bg kt sapew
so klu rjin + sudi amik jew r


chentaMAYA said...

sila ke bl0g juga ambek award yg ade~
jgn malu2~

13may said...

bestnya dapat award :D

ada m0khtar said...

chentamaya~ tenkiu yew... sesungguh nyew sy mmg se0rng pemalu

13may~ sy m'anugerahkan award ini kpd anda,,